News: July 3, 2020
Czech hands over Visegrad Group (V4) presidency to Poland / ヴィシェグラード・グループ(V4)の議長国、チェコからポーランドへ

©Website of the Republic of Poland

The Visegrad Group (V4)'s annual presidency of the Czech Republic from July 2019 has successfully finished, and it was taken over to Poland on July 1st 2020.
To overcome the worldwide difficult situation caused by COVID-19, Poland made "Back on track" V4's motto of this year and set 4 objectives below.
1. Strong V4 in a strong Europe
Objective related to the coordination of V4 countries' activities within the EU
2. Return to normality
Objective related to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences
3. People-to-people contacts
Objective related to strengthening integration and cohesion within the V4, between the V4 countries/societies.
4. Digital V4 – e-V4
Objective related to the development of V4 cooperation in the digital sector.
Since 2004, V4 has strengthened the relationship with Japan as "V4 + Japan".
2020 is the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the V4, and therefore further cooperation among the countries is expected this year as well.
COVID-19による世界的な混乱に打ち勝つべく、ポーランドはV4の議長国として「 Back on track(正しい軌道への回帰)」をキーワードに次の目標を打ち立てています。
1. 強い欧州の中の強い V4 (Strong V4 in a strong Europe)
-EU 枠内における V4 諸国の活動の結束を目指して
2. 通常への回帰(Back to normality)
- COVID-19 感染症とその影響の克服を目指して
3. 人的交流(People-to-people)
-V4 内の更なる統合を目指して
4. V4 デジタル協力(e-V4)
また、今年2020年はヴィシェグラード・グループ設立 30 周年という記念すべき年でもあります。
<PR movie by Poland - new presidency of V4|ポーランドV4議長国就任に際してのPR動画>
Source| 出典
Website of the Republic of Poland
駐日ポーランド共和国大使館、ポーランド広報文化センター ニュースリリース
News: July 3, 2020
Czech hands over Visegrad Group (V4) presidency to Poland / ヴィシェグラード・グループ(V4)の議長国、チェコからポーランドへ
©Website of the Republic of Poland
To overcome the worldwide difficult situation caused by COVID-19, Poland made "Back on track" V4's motto of this year and set 4 objectives below.
1. Strong V4 in a strong Europe
Objective related to the coordination of V4 countries' activities within the EU
2. Return to normality
Objective related to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences
3. People-to-people contacts
Objective related to strengthening integration and cohesion within the V4, between the V4 countries/societies.
4. Digital V4 – e-V4
Objective related to the development of V4 cooperation in the digital sector.
Since 2004, V4 has strengthened the relationship with Japan as "V4 + Japan".
2020 is the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the V4, and therefore further cooperation among the countries is expected this year as well.
COVID-19による世界的な混乱に打ち勝つべく、ポーランドはV4の議長国として「 Back on track(正しい軌道への回帰)」をキーワードに次の目標を打ち立てています。
1. 強い欧州の中の強い V4 (Strong V4 in a strong Europe)
-EU 枠内における V4 諸国の活動の結束を目指して
2. 通常への回帰(Back to normality)
- COVID-19 感染症とその影響の克服を目指して
3. 人的交流(People-to-people)
-V4 内の更なる統合を目指して
4. V4 デジタル協力(e-V4)
また、今年2020年はヴィシェグラード・グループ設立 30 周年という記念すべき年でもあります。
<PR movie by Poland - new presidency of V4|ポーランドV4議長国就任に際してのPR動画>
Source| 出典
Website of the Republic of Poland
駐日ポーランド共和国大使館、ポーランド広報文化センター ニュースリリース