News: December 20, 2021
【動画公開中】Now available on YouTube ”CONNECT2021 Winter”
Naivni divadlo Liberec on CONNECT 2021 Winter
English follows Japanese
在日チェコ商工会議所主催オンラインイベント「CONNECT 2021 Winter」を2021年12月8日(水)に開催いたしました。ご参加いただいた方々にはこの場をお借りして改めて御礼申し上げます。

1) 開会のご挨拶
■ 在日チェコ商工会議所 会頭 渡邊ロマン
2) 駐日チェコ共和国大使館からのメッセージ
■ 特命全権大使 マルチン・トムチョ 氏
3) 在日チェコ商工会議所のご紹介
4) クリスマス特別プログラム
チェコ人形劇 「空からきたひつじ」、「犬と機関車」
■ リベレツ市ナイヴニ人形劇場団
5) 会員様からの最近のニュース、活動状況についての発表
■ チェコセンター東京 所長 高嶺エヴァ 氏
■ チェコ政府観光局 日本代表 シュテパーン・パヴリーク 氏
■ 合同会社ZONER
6) 最近のチェコの状況について
7) 閉会のご挨拶
モデレーター: 野本 一夫 (在日チェコ商工会議所 副会頭)

We are very happy to report to you that the online event "CONNECT 2021 Winter" organized by the Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan and held on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, was successfully closed. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who participated.
If you would like to watch the event again, or if you were not able to attend the event on the day, please have a look at the event on YouTube.

please click to play the movie
1) Opening
- Mr. Roman Watanabe, Chairman of CCCIJ
2) Greetings from Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo
- H.E. Martin Tomčo, Ph.D., Ambassador
3) CCCIJ's introduction
4) Christmas Special Program:
Czech puppet show "About the Lamb that Fell from the Sky", "Choo. Choo. Whistle. Woof! - About Dogs and Trains"
- Naivni divadlo Liberec
5) Report & Presentations on "Recent activities and topics" by CCCIJ Members
- Ms. Eva Takamine, Head of Czech Centre Tokyo
- Mr. Štěpán PAVLÍK, Director of Czech Tourism Japan
6) Recent situation in the Czech Republic
7) Closing
Moderator: Kaz Nomoto, Vice-chairman of CCCIJ
Whether you participated on the day of the event or will be viewing it on YouTube, it would be very much appreciated if you could send us your feedback through the questionnaire below. We would like to use it for future planning of the events to make it more satisfactory for everyone. (The questionnaire is anonymous and takes about 1 minute)
Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to seeing you again soon.

Contact / お問合せ
Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCCIJ)
News: December 20, 2021
【動画公開中】Now available on YouTube ”CONNECT2021 Winter”
Naivni divadlo Liberec on CONNECT 2021 Winter
English follows Japanese
在日チェコ商工会議所主催オンラインイベント「CONNECT 2021 Winter」を2021年12月8日(水)に開催いたしました。ご参加いただいた方々にはこの場をお借りして改めて御礼申し上げます。
1) 開会のご挨拶
■ 在日チェコ商工会議所 会頭 渡邊ロマン
2) 駐日チェコ共和国大使館からのメッセージ
■ 特命全権大使 マルチン・トムチョ 氏
3) 在日チェコ商工会議所のご紹介
4) クリスマス特別プログラム
チェコ人形劇 「空からきたひつじ」、「犬と機関車」
■ リベレツ市ナイヴニ人形劇場団
5) 会員様からの最近のニュース、活動状況についての発表
■ チェコセンター東京 所長 高嶺エヴァ 氏
■ チェコ政府観光局 日本代表 シュテパーン・パヴリーク 氏
■ 合同会社ZONER
6) 最近のチェコの状況について
7) 閉会のご挨拶
モデレーター: 野本 一夫 (在日チェコ商工会議所 副会頭)
We are very happy to report to you that the online event "CONNECT 2021 Winter" organized by the Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan and held on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, was successfully closed. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who participated.
If you would like to watch the event again, or if you were not able to attend the event on the day, please have a look at the event on YouTube.
please click to play the movie
1) Opening
- Mr. Roman Watanabe, Chairman of CCCIJ
2) Greetings from Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo
- H.E. Martin Tomčo, Ph.D., Ambassador
3) CCCIJ's introduction
4) Christmas Special Program:
Czech puppet show "About the Lamb that Fell from the Sky", "Choo. Choo. Whistle. Woof! - About Dogs and Trains"
- Naivni divadlo Liberec
5) Report & Presentations on "Recent activities and topics" by CCCIJ Members
- Ms. Eva Takamine, Head of Czech Centre Tokyo
- Mr. Štěpán PAVLÍK, Director of Czech Tourism Japan
6) Recent situation in the Czech Republic
7) Closing
Moderator: Kaz Nomoto, Vice-chairman of CCCIJ
Whether you participated on the day of the event or will be viewing it on YouTube, it would be very much appreciated if you could send us your feedback through the questionnaire below. We would like to use it for future planning of the events to make it more satisfactory for everyone. (The questionnaire is anonymous and takes about 1 minute)
Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to seeing you again soon.
Contact / お問合せ
Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCCIJ)