Project PROPEA
Professional Business Services

Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCCIJ) under support of Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo joined the project to support Czech economic activities abroad (project PROPEA).
Japan is another country where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic launched the project PROPEA. With this project, accredited expert entities operating abroad, with the support of the Embassies in the territory, they provide economic diplomacy services to Czech companies operating in the relevant territory or preparing to enter the foreign market. In the case of Japan and Japanese market, Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCCIJ) became partner of this project.
Czech companies can request bellow professional business services:
・Creation of the business plan for market entry or investment
・Legal, tax, financial and legislative analysis
・Placing products on the market (assistance in negotiations with financial institutions, support in setting up an account and securing financing, setting up a company, etc.)
・Assistance with licensing, certification, product and trademark registration
・Assistance in securing and verifying import / export and logistics documentation
・Creation and coordination of supplier and partner networks
・Support and providing of promotional, marketing and PR services
・Support for starting production / starting of the services, activities in the case of companies from the field of services using technical facilities
・Representation of the company (on a commercial contractual basis between a Czech company and a foreign representative, without financial support from the PROPEA budget)
More details about the project you can find on the web of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Czech Republic here (Czech language) or here (Czech language).
If you are interested or would like to know more details or price list of the services please contact our office:
● Report of the activities in 2021
● Report of the activities in 2020
Project PROPEA
Professional Business Services
Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCCIJ) under support of Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo joined the project to support Czech economic activities abroad (project PROPEA).
Japan is another country where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic launched the project PROPEA. With this project, accredited expert entities operating abroad, with the support of the Embassies in the territory, they provide economic diplomacy services to Czech companies operating in the relevant territory or preparing to enter the foreign market. In the case of Japan and Japanese market, Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCCIJ) became partner of this project.
Czech companies can request bellow professional business services:
・Creation of the business plan for market entry or investment
・Legal, tax, financial and legislative analysis
・Placing products on the market (assistance in negotiations with financial institutions, support in setting up an account and securing financing, setting up a company, etc.)
・Assistance with licensing, certification, product and trademark registration
・Assistance in securing and verifying import / export and logistics documentation
・Creation and coordination of supplier and partner networks
・Support and providing of promotional, marketing and PR services
・Support for starting production / starting of the services, activities in the case of companies from the field of services using technical facilities
・Representation of the company (on a commercial contractual basis between a Czech company and a foreign representative, without financial support from the PROPEA budget)
More details about the project you can find on the web of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Czech Republic here (Czech language) or here (Czech language).
If you are interested or would like to know more details or price list of the services please contact our office:
● Report of the activities in 2021
● Report of the activities in 2020